DIY fence installation: One of the greatest achievements for homeowners is to build their exterior property on their own. Whether it’s creating a gorgeous garden or an entertaining space, most property owners take it as a matter of pride.
For such DIY enthusiasts, building their own fences is another most exciting project to undertake. Surely DIY projects will bring you many pros but most importantly costly cons. If you’ve got sights on a similar DIY fence in Buffalo project, read the points below.
The Advantages Of DIY Fence Installation
- The most significant advantage of building your fence is that you’ll be saving tons of money. You don’t have to worry about paying the fence contractor for their labor and materials. You just have to pay for your tools and materials to construct the fence.
- The second advantage you get from a DIY fence project is that you can personalize it as you like. Most professional fence contractors build the fences independently without taking any input from the client. But on a DIY project, you can build and design the fence from scratch as per your vision.
- For those DIY lovers who don’t possess fencing tools, you can still build your fence. You can buy DIY fence kits from the market. This kit has all the handy tools and equipment for DIY fence installation.
The Wrongs That Can Happen With DIY Fence Installation
Building Unlawful Fence
It’s pretty easy to mess things up and turn DIY fence day into a disaster. To begin with, you may build the fence of your dreams against the local zoning laws. There are two consequences to it. First, you may have to take the entire fence down. Or else you have to pay a hefty fine. Hiring a fence company keeps you away from such legal troubles.
Anchoring Down Posts To Wrong Depth
Anchoring the posts properly is the most significant part of the whole DIY fence project. You have to know how deep the posts should be to support the structure. Accordingly, you have to choose the right positions. Plenty of DIYers measure the wrong depth for posts. As a result, the posts wobble and eventually fall after a few days.
Fencing Beyond Property Lines
This problem can escalate to a disaster, especially if the neighbors are cranky. A fence requires sufficient space to prevent protruding parts from invading your neighbor’s property. The wrong DIY fence placement can lead to expensive court battles and the eventual removal of the fence.
Fence Gates In the Wrong Places (Or No Gates At All)
We’ve seen many DIYers forgetting to install a gate after the fencing is completed. And the ones who manage to remember it usually end up installing it in the wrong place. If not a complete disaster, this can be a fairly costly mistake.
There are also chances of installing the wrong gate size. The fence gates should be large enough to accommodate lawnmowers, wheelbarrows, and garden carts. If you’ve heavy equipment or vehicles, it’ll need to be larger.
Hire All Pro Fence And Save The Trouble
Our professional installers will save you from all the pains and troubles of DIY fence projects. We will build you a sturdy and charming fence that you can be proud of for years.
Call us today to fence in your properties!